Wednesday, October 17, 2007


ways to dispose of batteries

more about batteries

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Waste Reduction Week activity day

Come to room 309 at lunch.

I am going to set up a number of possibilities to help you find ways to reduce, recycle and reuse "waste."

Other points for the Green Team....

We need to put together a bulletin board full of information to help students remember what is waste and what to recycle.
(We'll help them learn how long some items take to biodegrade too!)

I have found some fun recycling art.
I want to share the activities with you and we can do them on future dates.
Mrs. Baxter will go over the Waste Reduction Quiz and Code breaking exercise with you too.

Any old CDs? Please bring them to school. I have an idea for part of the mural.

Miss R

Welcome to the home of a silver certified ECO school (May, 2008) Think globally, act locally!
Green Team of MV activities April and May 2008