Tuesday, October 23, 2007


At home you all have composters like an organic bin right?
Well alot of people don't use them because they make your home smell or they are to lazy to take food out of the package and put it in the organic bin or you even think it is nasty or you just don't remember that they have an organic bin . They also just don't know what goes in the organic bin and don't bother looking or asking their parents what goes in. So here is a list that you may use :What goes in the Green Bin?
Fruits, vegetable scraps
Meat, shellfish, fish products
Pasta, bread, cereal
Dairy products, egg shells
Coffee grounds, filters, tea bags
Soiled paper towels, tissues
Soiled paper food packaging: fast food paper packaging, ice cream boxes, muffin paper, flour and sugar bags
Paper coffee cups, paper plates
Candies, cookies, cake
Baking ingredients, herbs, spices
Household plants, including soil
Diapers, sanitary products
Animal waste, bedding (e.g. from bird/hamster cages), kitty litter
food Please make sure you do this at home. Thanks Green Team member Amanda

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